Essential site components disappear into the ground when fire departments build. It is easier for all parties involved in the construction when the equipment installed underground comes completely from a single source. This was the case in Dornstadt.
There had never been such a deployment order before: Relocation. From the old station to the new one. The new station is located in St. Florian Weg, but above all it is conveniently situated. With quick access to those sections of the A8 and B10 that belong to the operational area of the Dornstadt volunteer fire department.
Together with four other districts, Dornstadt forms a community association just a few kilometers north of Ulm. Each sub-community has its own fire department. The fire department in the core village of Dornstadt had moved into a temporary domicile in 1977, and the provisional arrangement lasted for more than 40 years. But now there is the new building. “On July 03, 2021, the time had finally come and we could move into our newly built fire station,” the 41 firefighters rejoice on their website.
In the new building, there are boxes for the five emergency vehicles and the rescue boat, as well as a wash hall and a workshop area. The members of the fire department have access to a recreation, fitness and training room, separate changing areas, offices and a control center for coordinating operations.
Heat in the new fire station comes from an environmentally friendly pellet heating system. It points to the site’s underground infrastructure, which deserves special attention. This is because all sorts of things lie beneath the pavement of the open spaces: the pellet bunker, of course, a firefighting water tank, and finally a light liquid separator with downstream sampling shaft. In addition, there is an infiltration trench for the rainwater that accumulates on the driving surfaces.
Getting all this from a single source — in addition to the individual components, also planning services, installation, leak testing, commissioning and instruction — was definitely a relief for the developer, planner and construction company. As a result, speedy processes around the relevant trades in all phases of the construction project can be booked as a profit, as can later the synergies in the maintenance of the installed systems by their manufacturer Mall (Donaueschingen).
For the environmentally safe pretreatment of the wash water from the vehicle cleaning, an ABKW separator of the NeutraCom type — System A with general approval and integrated warning device — as well as a NeutraCheck sampling shaft were installed. Especially for this project, Mall had taken over all services from dimensioning and planning to design drawings and execution. The task of the separator is to retain the light liquid components in the wastewater before the treated wastewater flow enters the sewer system.
The volume of 9.25 cubic meters of extinguishing water for operations and drills is stored in a reinforced concrete tank, which is cast in the same jointless manner as the tank structures of the separator and sampling shaft. The Mall ThermoPel pellet storage tank, which is accompanied by the CaviPro seepage shaft, is no different. The latter infiltrates the condensation water that accumulates in the neck of the shaft above the pellet store, which has a capacity of 15 cubic meters.
Not only the equipment, but also the properties of fire departments, rescue services and THW should correspond to the current state of the art. This necessarily includes standard-compliant drainage solutions for new buildings and conversions. For wastewater generated during vehicle maintenance, EN 858 in combination with DIN 1999-100 requires the mandatory installation of a light liquid separator. Extinguishing foam produced during exercises must not be allowed to enter the sewage system or waterways. This necessitates liquid-tight sealed surfaces and collection containers with sufficient retention volume. It’s convenient when all this and much more can come as a compact package from a competent partner with many years of experience.