At the premiere of the new major congress “pinard” for midwives on February 5, 2022 in Bonn, the motto was “Maiden Flight” . A lot of fresh wind was experienced by the 1,700 participants who had registered for the all-day training in the Old Bundestag. 500 of them were able to experience the lectures of the hybrid event directly on site, the others dialed in. Pädia, a company specializing in OTC products for children’s health, as one of the sponsors, promises to make the major congress possible again in the coming years.
This is what everyone was waiting for: After months of contact restrictions, the thirst for knowledge among midwives was great, as was the desire for something fun, a stimulating ambience and an exchange with colleagues. The “pinard” as the starter of the 2022 training season was able to meet all expectations and proved itself in the planned hybrid format. The midwives attending externally were also able to follow the seven lectures without restriction and meet and network virtually via an app, just as they did on site.
The range of topics was deliberately broad and included pelvic floor training (right in the plenary hall), breastfeeding support, vaccination in pregnancy, co-sleeping, legal pitfalls, and the “burden with pleasure.” Appropriately invited were the lecturing midwives as well as speakers from gynecology, sports therapy, infectious diseases and pediatrics.
Good food and a relaxed learning atmosphere were provided by Team consilium Hebamme, a special product-neutral and practice-relevant service from Pädia. InfectoPharm Arzneimittel and Consilium GmbH with Medela Germany supported the event as specialists for pediatric drugs and breast pumps, respectively, and contributed with their expertise in the field of continuing education to a professional implementation on a large scale and in venerable premises.