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We don’t just report on innovations. We live them.

The Online-Por­tal

Available anytime and anywhere

The high-traf­fic INDUS­TRY24h-POR­TAL is avail­able around the clock for spe­cial­ists and experts in the process indus­try. First-class report­ing and high-qual­i­ty jour­nal­ism are pre­sent­ed on the INDUS­TRY24h-POR­TAL. The most rel­e­vant news is sum­ma­rized clear­ly and informatively.

The mod­ern, respon­sive design allows read­ers to fol­low impor­tant indus­try news con­ve­nient­ly from any device.

Com­pa­ny Portrait

The perfect company presentation

It does not mat­ter whether it is a small fam­i­ly busi­ness or a large com­pa­ny: The com­pa­ny por­trait are a suc­cess­ful mar­ket­ing tool for any size of company.


Attention grabbing advertising format

Address your tar­get group direct­ly and imme­di­ate­ly with a stand­alone newslet­ter — present your prod­ucts in an eye-catch­ing way! We send your brand mes­sage on our behalf to inter­est­ed trade audi­ences. Only ver­i­fied address­es in the process indus­try are used.

Ben­e­fit from the rec­om­men­da­tion char­ac­ter of our sender address and use the prox­im­i­ty to the mar­ket for your com­pet­i­tive advantage!

Social Media

The social networking channel

On our social media chan­nels in Face­book and LinkedIn, the top top­ics of the indus­tries are pre­sent­ed — and per­son­al­i­ties from plant and mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing are specif­i­cal­ly addressed.

The Industry24h part­ner page Indus­trieWelt on Face­book, among oth­ers, is an excel­lent new way to mar­ket your com­pa­ny even better.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us at any time!

Alija Palevic

Pub­lish­ing Director

+49 711 93 59 27–41

Mehdije Palevic


+49 711 93 59 27–42

Constanze Schmitz


+49 711 93 59 27–43

Katrin Ivezic

Edit­ing Assistant

+49 711 93 59 27–40

Daniel Keberle

Graph­ic Designer

+49 711 93 59 27–38