In future, it will be possible for existing motors operating in the field to be retrofitted with the Simotics Connect 400 connectivity module from Siemens. This will allow size AH100 to AH450 low-voltage motors operated directly from the mains to transmit operating data straight to the cloud-based Sidrive IQ Fleet App without the need for any structural modifications. Regular data analysis allows plant operators to quickly and efficiently oversee the operational status of their drive systems and plan a servicing schedule based on actual requirement. This not only improves efficiency, but also optimizes serviceability and extends service life. Typical applications requiring monitored low-voltage motors include pumps, fans and compressors.
At this year’s Hannover Messe; Siemens will be using a brownfield application to demonstrate how plant availability can be optimized in future using Simotics Connect 400. The connectivity module comes with all the sensors required for capturing motor vibration or temperature-related data, a Wlan communication module and a battery to enable independent operation. The module processes and saves the operating data, and sends it to the Sidrive IQ Fleet App for cloud-based analysis. Special algorithms use the data to generate meaningful key performance indicators (KPIs) which describe the status of the motors, and are used to determine any concrete need for action. If required, the modules can be retrofitted to legacy motors to improve reliability and availability and boost performance.
Sidrive IQ: IoT digitalization portfolio for drive systems
Sidrive IQ is an essential component of the Siemens digitalization portfolio which opens up wide-ranging scope for IoT (Internet of Things) optimization across the entire drive train – from production through to servicing. Sidrive IQ MindSphere offers a variety of different applications and customized services. Sidrive IQ Fleet is used predominantly in process industry applications, and Analyze MyDrives is designed in the main for the discrete manufacturing industry. Both applications enable the visualization, analysis and monitoring of drive data.
The Sidrive IQ application Analyze MyDrives additionally allows the operating status of Sinamics low-voltage converters to be reliably and conveniently monitored, while gathering and analyzing their operating data. By continuously monitoring power consumption, torque and frequency and also measuring energy flows, users can identify any optimization and maintenance requirement and so initiate any necessary actions in good time. This reduces the need for fixed-interval maintenance, making for greater machine productivity and allowing energy saving potential to be identified.
As a result, plant operators benefit from improved plant availability. A range of connectivity modules for low-voltage and medium-voltage converters as well as low-voltage and high-voltage motors are available from Siemens for linking drive systems to the cloud.
Siemens at the Hannover Messe 2019: Hall 9, Stand D35