Long and short cut pasta products are popular all over the world. They were probably invented independently of each other in China and the Mediterranean region. However, a 4000-year-old pasta pot found in China in 2005 gives the Asians the honour of being the first “pasta inventors”. Today, however, we associate pasta primarily with Italy. There are almost 600 types of pasta in the world, 200 of which come from Italy alone. The traditional Mediterranean food began its triumphal procession in Germany in the sixties of the last century. But pasta is also very popular further north.
Myllyn Paras is a traditional Finnish company that manufactures, markets and distributes flour, flakes, cereals and pasta as well as frozen dough and bakery products. The company was founded in 1928 and today employs about 110 people. The group’s two factories are located in the city of Hyvinkää, 50 kilometers from Helsinki. In Finland, Myllyn Paras is among the best-known food brands and market leader for pasta. The group serves the Finnish market and also exports its products internationally.
For further details: www.myllynparas.com
30 years of continuous production
Myllyn Paras has been packaging products with Rovema Form Fill and Seal machines since 1989. Recently, a special milestone was reached: the 700th millionth pasta bag exited the production line of one of these veterans. Both customer and supplier are particularly proud of this, because 30 years of almost continuous production, around the clock, is an amazing achievement and there is no end in sight. The robust Rovema Form Fill and Seal machine is serviced regularly and gets high marks for this recurring activity as well: “The maintenance work on the Rovema VFFS machines is easy and quick to carry out” confirms the Myllyn Paras team.
The basis for such a solid performance is attributed to the good cooperation between the customer, the local representative in Finland and the machine builder Rovema, which manufactures the machines at the main production site in Fernwald, Germany, tailored specifically to customer specifications.

Cooperation and service
The positive experience with the Form Fill Seal machine for pasta
was certainly one of the most important reasons for Myllyn Paras
to opt for two additional Rovema machines in 2015. Since then,
two Rovema VPI 400 with swiveling cross sealing station have
been in operation at the plant, together they have also already
produced an impressive 10 million bags of oatmeal in this short
time. In addition to the oat flakes, breadcrumbs are also packed
on the machines. Infeed is done via Rovema’s SDH auger dosing
system, which doses precisely and quickly. The machines run in
2 shift operation five days a week.
The customer emphasizes that, in
addition to the positive experience
with the first machines mentioned
above, the good price-quality ratio
and easy maintenance were also
important reasons for their renewed
decision in favour of Rovema.
In addition to packing in pillow
bags, the Rovema VPI 400 also
allows the use of stand-up zip bags,
another important criterion for Myllyn Paras.
Conclusion of the customer: “To this day, the Rovema machines meet all our requirements in terms of performance, safety and comfort. The technicians who have looked after us over the years have provided advice and assistance to the local operators and continue to do so to this day.”

The responsible Rovema Area Sales Manager, Lars Andersen, explains with a twinkle in his eye: “I tell many customers that unfortunately the Rovema machines all last a long time, so we often don’t see each other again immediately, but only after many years. Of course, I am all the more pleased when the packaging produced by our machines contributes to the customer’s success and a new investment becomes necessary due to an increase in capacity.”
Alternative packaging materials
In 1989, when Rovema VFFS machines packed their first short cut pasta in Finland, environmental friendliness was not yet a priority for many people. Consequently, product safety and machinability of the packaging materials were more important than their sustainable properties in terms of recycling. Over the last three decades, the demand from end consumers and producers for recyclable packaging has grown. Today, Myllyn Paras uses a mono-material made of the polypropylene variants CPP/OPP for all three products packed on Rovema machines in Hyvinkää. Polypropylene is closely related to polyethylene (PE), but is more dimensionally stable and heat resistant. All ROVEMA Form Fill and Seal machines with heat sealing system can process polypropylene packaging materials. When changing from composite packaging materials to this mono material, usually no performance losses are to be expected. Most European countries can recycle polypropylene mono materials today; also in Finland, this is standard today.
Sustainability through a holistic approach
Packaging, and the packaging material used, has always been an important differentiating factor. Due to the current discussion in connection with plastic and sustainability, new packaging materials have come into particular focus. Therefore, Rovema offers its customers tailor-made adaptations to alternative packaging materials. After all, the desire for alternative packaging materials does not only concern new packaging machines. Existing machines should also be able to process these new packaging materials.
Rovema’s machine technology allows manufacturers the free choice of packaging materials. The focus is clearly on future proofing the machines. In close cooperation with the customer, Rovema analyzes the interaction between machine, packaging material, and product in detail and can thus repeatedly adjust to changing market requirements in the course of the machine’s life. Advice to the customer is provided on an individual basis and includes both existing machines and possible new investments.
In order to provide customers with the best possible advice, Rovema set up its own technical center back in the late 1980s. Here, among other things, packaging material tests are carried out under production conditions. This gives customers the opportunity to test the properties of the new material in advance and to assess the changes to internal processes.
Close cooperation with the customer is essential for a packaging material test. Original product and the desired packaging material must be provided; the existing machine and the production conditions at the customer’s site must be known. The empirical values of past packaging material tests, which have been anonymously fed into a database, often allow Rovema to suggest reference-packaging materials for the respective applications.

However, the resulting measures that have to be taken on the existing machine often vary greatly. Depending on the overall height of the frame, existing forming shoulder and properties, for example stiffness and puncture resistance of the new packaging material, the necessary machine adaptation turns out to be more or less complex. The exact assessment and the suitable test setup are therefore actually only possible with the help of the customer despite the extensive experience.
Responsible Sales Manager for Rovema GmbH machines at Orat Oy, Mr. Roni Ekebom:
“We at Orat Oy and me personally of course are delighted for the opportunity to represent Rovema GmbH machines in Finland and Estonia. This case at Myllyn Paras Oy is a perfect showcase of the reliable performance of Rovema GmbH machines. The relationship with Myllyn Paras Oy has lasted for years due to open dialogue between the parties and of course personal relationship. We at Orat Oy want to express our gratitude towards Myllyn Paras for their positive approach to share their story with the proven success with Rovema GmbH machines in their daily production.”